Daily Hire Rates

Member: Full set of gear: $15, Kayak: $10, Trailer, On arrangement with the Hire Officer, Other: $3

Non-Member: Full set of gear: $25, Kayak: $20, Trailer: On arrangement with the Hire Officer, Other: $10

Prices shown are for each day of hire, can be negotiated on a case-by-case basis, and require a deposit. Get in touch with Felix Wingfield (Hire Officer) - 02102592805 to arrange gear hire.

If gear is lost or damaged beyond repair and is not covered by personal insurance, the reimbursement to the club by the party responsible shall be the replacement cost less 20% depreciation for each year of use. The committee may determine costs in extraordinary circumstances.

Additionally, as of 2022 the club has a PLB (Personal Locator Beacon) which will be taken on all club trips. It is also able to be hired (without charge) by club members for personal trips. Get in touch with James Suddaby (Safety Officer) to arrange.

Gear Shed Location

The gear shed is located in the carpark on the Corner of Parkstone and Solway Aves