Welcome to the UCCC calendar for 2025

This is where you'll find details on all of our social and paddling trips for the upcoming semester!
Check your member emails for the sign-up links!
There are of course many other trips that happen, hit up one of the committee if you wanna go kayaking!
Rolling is also on every week, see the rolling page for more information.

When? What? Who? Where? Description
Feb 18-19 Clubs Days! Everyone! Campus Come find us on clubs day, chat with the exec, and sign yourselves up for the wettest, wildest club around.
Feb 19 New Members BBQ! New Members, Old Members, Friends, Strangers, Goon. To be released closer to the time A chance to come and meet both UCCC veterans as well as plenty of fresh faces. And by 'meet' we mean 'get silly with'. There will be snags, hashies, sauce, and GOON (If you don't already know, you'll learn what this word means to us eventually). BYO box of Country, Chasseur or Blenheimer white, otherwise, we sure love to share. The next step is to make sure you re-introduce yourself next time we meet - I guarantee you, we wont remember each other.
Feb 23 Leaders and Seconds Self-Suffient Kayakers, Wannabe Leaders, Wannabe Seconds. Hurunui River If you already know how to kayak self-suffiently (i.e. you have a river roll) then you might be leader or second material! Come along to this skill and safety training day up at the mighty Hurunui, we can never have enough of you!! To give back for your time and effort, Leaders and Seconds receive discounts on other trip costs. Don't worry about your electric avenue hangover, its all part of the training.
Mar 15-16 Zero to Hero New-To-Kayaking-ers, Leaders, Seconds, most importantly YOU! Hurunui River Including mid-week pool sessions (how to not be upside down) and on the lake (how to manouvere a kayak), we pile into cars, load up the club trailer with kayaks, and head north to our favourite beginners run. The Hurunui!!! This trip is a kayaking beginners' dream, where you will learn first-hand tips and tricks from our Leaders and Seconds how to whitewater kayak. No prior experience or paddling gear required. Bonus - a sick doof at the majestical lakeside campsite!!
Mar 22-23 TataFest Increasingly Confident Attendees (ICA's) of the most recent Z2H & other past events, Self Sufficients, Leaders, Seconds. I made up ICA's. but that’s who. Rangitata River Replacing our beloved Spoonfest for the year, this trip is where we meet up with OUCC at the Rangitata and get really really silly. This trip would be a fantastic follow-up to a Z2H, where selected beginners can progress in a stouter environment and become more aquainted with the crew. No pool or lake sessions will be held specifically for this event, (excluding our usual weekly rolling). Therefore, beginners will be selected based on their time on the Z2H, or other past trips.
Mar 30-31 Girls trip Beginners, self-sufficients, leaders and seconds (no boys alowed🥱) Pukaki River (TBC) If you're a gal and you've ever been kayaking, this one is for you! Location is TBC, but we hear that Puakaki release makes for some lovely Grade 2 paddling. Otherwise the hurunui, or Murchison are next in line. This is a perfect oportunity to learn from some awesome whitewater wāhine, get inspired, gain skills, and make friends!
Apr 18-22 WHITE WATER WEEK! Everyone!!! Murchison Your whole first term of kayaking will have led to this moment… our annual 5-day trip to Murchison over the looooong Easter weekend! Get yourself ready for the luxury of having over 10 different sections of river to choose from, goon showers, bootie beers, and seeing OUCC again. This trip is the best thing you'll do in your break.